Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Gospel in a nutshell

TRUE GOSPEL Gal. 1:6-7
Jack Shanks
... another gospel, which is not another. Gal. 1:6,7
The heading of this article is a testimony to the enmity of man against free grace. We must use a descriptive adjective before the world "gospel," because religious men have conjured up many gospels, which are not THE GOSPEL. I am with Paul in that I marvel at the Christ-dishonoring so-called gospels.
THE GOSPEL bears testimony to the utter rain of man, all men. The sinner is a dead dog as far as spiritual things are concerned. He is a dim-witted imbecile in understanding of the things of God. If this is not made clear, then we have "another." (Gen. 6:5 etc.)
THE GOSPEL tells forth the great truth that this ruined, sinful creature must be rescued by the God of all grace. God chooses to pull some out of the fire without requiring anything from the objects of His mercy and grace. No conditions are set forth. If this is omitted, then-we have "another." (2 Thess. 2:13 etc.)
THE GOSPEL tells of a victorious Savior who gave His life's blood to redeem all whom the Father had chosen before the world began. He was very particular toward His sheep and them only. (John 10:26 etc.) If He does not do all He came to do, then He is a failure. That IS "another."
THE GOSPEL tells forth the great truth that God is not a failure. When He sets about to save-a sinner, that sinner finds Him irresistible, and is mighty hapl:y to bow before His sovereign will. (John 6:37 etc.)
THE GOSPEL proclaims a lasting relationship. God Almighty does not use an eraser in the Book of Life. The promoters of "another gospel" must be in a terrible frenzy trying to keep their names in the Book. (John 5:24 etc.)
I wouldn't be caught dead with another gospel, which is not another.


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